


院長 黄 明宇


略 歴

  • 京都大学医学部卒
  • 滋賀県立成人病センター 循環器科
  • 京都大学大学院医学研究科 循環病態学修了
  • 康生会武田病院 循環器科
  • 琵琶湖大橋病院 循環器科
  • 医仁会 武田総合病院 循環器科
  • 医仁会 武田総合病院 循環器科部長


  • 医学博士
  • 日本内科学会認定医
  • 日本循環器学会認定専門医
  • 日本透析医学会


  • Evidence for a role of mast cells in the evolution to congestive heart failure.
    Hara M, Ono K, Hwang MW, Iwasaki A, Okada M, Nakatani K, Sasayama S, Matsumori A.
    J Exp Med. 2002 Feb 4;195(3):375-81.
  • Resolution of acromegalic cardiomyopathy in mild acromegalic physical abnormality after short-term octreotide therapy.
    Hwang MW, Shimatsu A, Sasaki Y, Ayukawa H, Inenaga K, Takeoka R, Iwase T, Kawai C.
    Heart Vessels. 2007 May;22(3):202-7.
  • Cytokine gene expression during the development of graft coronary artery disease in mice.
    Furukawa Y, Matsumori A, Hwang MW, Hirozane T, Ono K, Shioi T, Sasayama S.
    Jpn Circ J. 1999 Oct;63(10):775-82.
  • Mast cells cause apoptosis of cardiomyocytes and proliferation of other intramyocardial cells in vitro.
    Hara M, Matsumori A, Ono K, Kido H, Hwang MW, Miyamoto T, Iwasaki A, Okada M, Nakatani K, Sasayama S.
    Circulation. 1999 Sep 28;100(13):1443-9.
  • Therapeutic effects of FTY720, a new immunosuppressive agent, in a murine model of acute viral myocarditis.
    Miyamoto T, Matsumori A, Hwang MW, Nishio R, Ito H, Sasayama S.
    J Am Coll Cardiol. 2001 May;37(6):1713-8.
  • Suppression of cytokines and nitric oxide production, and protection against lethal endotoxemia and viral myocarditis by a new NF-kappaB inhibitor.
    Matsumori A, Nunokawa Y, Yamaki A, Yamamoto K, Hwang MW, Miyamoto T, Hara M, Nishio R, Kitaura-Inenaga K, Ono K.
    Eur J Heart Fail. 2004 Mar 1;6(2):137-44.
  • FTY720, a new immunosuppressant, promotes long-term graft survival and inhibits the progression of graft coronary artery disease in a murine model of cardiac transplantation.
    Hwang MW, Matsumori A, Furukawa Y, Ono K, Okada M, Iwasaki A, Hara M, Sasayama S.
    Circulation. 1999 Sep 21;100(12):1322-9.
  • Neutralization of interleukin-1beta in the acute phase of myocardial infarction promotes the progression of left ventricular remodeling.
    Hwang MW, Matsumori A, Furukawa Y, Ono K, Okada M, Iwasaki A, Hara M, Miyamoto T, Touma M, Sasayama S.
    J Am Coll Cardiol. 2001 Nov 1;38(5):1546-53.